Transaction steps and documents

The transaction steps and documents required for your fund will depend on many factors. Typically, we can have the fund establishment documents and draft Information Memorandum with you in a matter of weeks.

STEP Document Purpose
1 MARQ Trustees’ Engagement Letter Sets out key terms of the proposed engagement of MARQ Trustees.
2 MARQ Trustees’ Lawyers to draft:
  • Fund Constitution
Establishes the Fund
  • Sub Trust Constitution
May be required if external (bank or other) debt involved.
  • Investment Management Agreement
Trustee appointment of the client as investment manager to manage the business of the fund, services to be performed, reporting required and fees payable.
  • Authorised Representative Agreement
Trustee appointment of the client as a representative authorising the client to provide financial services to investors.
  • Fund Administration Agreement
Trustee appointment of fund administrator to provide ongoing fund administration services.
  • Registry Services Agreement
Trustee appointment of registry service provider to provide online applications portal and ongoing registry services.
3 Execute transaction documents
4 MARQ Trustees’ Lawyers to draft:
  • Information Memorandum
Disclosure of sufficient information to enable an investor to make an informed decision about whether to invest.
  • Verification file
Compilation of documents to verify all statements made in the Information Memorandum.
  • Legal sign-off to trustee
5 MARQ Trustees releases Information Memorandum