CFO Matthew Haynes welcomed as part-owner of MARQ Trustees

1st April 2024


We are delighted to announce to our clients, partners and wider professional network that our CFO, Matthew Haynes, has become a part owner in MARQ Trustees.

Today, Matthew Haynes, our CFO, became part-owner of MARQ Trustees. This is a significant milestone for our company and reflects Matthew’s importance to our business and the value he brings to our clients. His new status as a partner will further strengthen our business growth plans, and hep direct the continuous development of our services to benefit our clients and their investors.

Matthew joined our team three years ago, bringing with im funds management expertise acquired during a successful career at a leading national accounting and advisory firm. Much of that expertise was in property development funds, impact funds, and debt and mortgage funds.

Over the past three years, Matthew has established a pivotal role at MARQ Trustees, steering our financial operations with professionalism and skill. He is instrumental in driving our growth, and has executive responsibilities for financial reporting to investors, and managing MARQ Trustees’ registry service.

Matthew’s long-term commitment to MARQ Trustees will come as good news to our broader professional network of investment managers, accountants, lawyers, and the many other professionals who work in or alongside the funds management industry.

About MARQ Trustees

Established in 2014, MARQ Trustees brings together a team with decades of financial services experience in managed funds. Under the authority of our Australian Financial Services License (AFSL), our firm provides services to wholesale managed investment schemes and are currently facilitating $2.7 Billion of funds under management. Our comprehensive services include: trustee, custody and other AFSL services; advisory, fund administration and registry services; as well as fund to market and capital raising advice. For more information, contact us via phone: +61 3 9005 9282 or email: [email protected].